Your digital way to transform privacy.

A centralized registration system aimed at facilitating the control of personal data for both companies and individuals.

A hand holding a locked cell phone with a notebook in the background

Our platform helps you with any registration in an easy and quick way.

After registering in our system, we will take care of the security of your data and help you make your data available only to the companies you trust, following LGPD regulations.

80% Of Brazilians do not seek to understand LGPD when sharing their data.

10th in Ranking Brazil is at the top of the list of countries with the most data leaks.

A gray padlock in the background, with the writing LGPD - GENERAL DATA PROTECTION LAW in front.
Um cadeado amarelo em cima de um teclado brancoUm cadeado transparente, na foram de um holograma

Providing solutions for your needs.

  • símbolo de correto/verificado.Security when storing sensitive data.
  • símbolo de correto/verificado.Ease in managing personal data.
  • símbolo de correto/verificado.Visibility of who has access to the data.

We manage data in a practical, secure, and transparent way.

See how easy it is to authorize access to your data.

Um celular sobre uma mesa cinza, o celular está bloqueado, ao lado estão fones de ouvido, lápis e óculos.

The future we are building

A huge library made up of thousands of books and several flights of stairs.

Centralized registration

A single place where you can store all your information and share it with whoever you want, without the need to register separately with each company.

A notebook on top of a sofa, on the screen there are several graphs on a dashboard.

Control what is yours

Control at any time who can view your data, removing or granting access whenever you want.